Economic Geology/Mineralogy, Applied Mineralogy

Applied Mineralogy of Cement and Concrete

Sponsored by PPC Cement

Cost:  R6,000

Duration:  2 Days, 30 & 31 August 2014

Convenor:  Dr. Maarten A.T.M. Broekmans

The two-day Short Course presents selected topics on the applied mineralogy of cement and concrete, by far the most popular modern building material by volume. Seven presentations deal with mineralogy and chemistry of (alumina) clinker production and hydration (Pöllmann), alternative raw clinkering materials to reduce CO2 emission (Justnes), assessment of clinker constituents by optical and electron microscopy (Stutzman), industrial assessment of raw materials, cement and concrete using X ray methods in different applications (Meier et al.), in-situ investigation of clinker and cement hydration based on quantitative crystallographic phase analysis (Aranda et al.), characterization and properties of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) to improve cement and concrete properties (Snellings et al.), and deleterious alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) in concrete (Broekmans). An eight presentation might be added on sample/specimen preparation techniques (tentative).

Minimum delegates: 30