Theme: Methods and Applications

Raman and IR Spectroscopy in Mineralogy

Cost: R5,500

Duration: 2 days, 6 & 7 September 2014

Convenors: Prof Sherif Kharbish; Prof. Peter Andras; Ms. Ingrid Turisova

Vibrational spectroscopy is often the best method for the identification of minerals when other techniques cannot be undertaken due to sample quantity, crystallinity and destructiveness. Identification is easy through a fingerprinting technique, however the interpretation of spectra is difficult. Data analysis gives information on the band assignments, numbers and if the crystal space group affect the vibrational spectra of the mineral. Therefore, data analysis must be employed. Analysis of simple free molecules is often easy, but the extension into crystalline materials is frequently troublesome. The short course offers a review of data analysis of simple molecules and then an extension to crystalline lattices. The course will discuss molecular vibrations, symmetry elements and point groups, character tables for point groups, the number of normal vibrations for free molecules, vibrational analysis of minerals (Site Group Analysis, Factor Group Analysis-FGA and the correlation method)

Keynote Presentation: Infrared and Raman Symmetry Analysis of Normal Molecular and Lattice - Vibrations - Prof. Sherif Kharbish

Minimum delegates: 15