Theme: Mineralogical Crystallography

Second South-African School of Fundamental Crystallography Also Satellite Meeting of the 21st Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association

Convenors: Prof. Massimo Nespolo - IUCr Commission on Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography; Prof. Adreas Roodt; Prof. Mois Aroyo

To celebrate the International Year of Crystallography, the 21st Meeting of the International Mineralogical Union (IMA-2014) will put special emphasis and on the crystallographic sessions. To facilitate the participation to these sessions the Second South-African School of Fundamental Crystallography will be run as a Satellite meeting of IMA-2104. The first School was held in April 2010, at the same venue. The program of the Second School follows essentially the general lines of the previous one, the applications being however specially suited for mineralogists. Pre-requisites The participants are expected to know basic matrix algebra (how to multiply matrices and vectors, how calculate determinant and trace of a matrix), fundamental electromagnetism (waves, diffraction) and basic chemistry. PROGRAM Introduction to group theory Crystallographic point groups Stereographic projection and the morphology of crystals Space groups Exercises on the space group diagrams from Volume A of the International Tables Fourier transforms and convolutions Scattering from an electron, an atom, a unit cell, a crystal Diffraction symmetry: Laue classes, Friedel’s law, resonant scattering General, zonal and serial reflection conditions and their use to determine the space-group type Group-subgroup relations and their application to phase transitions Twins and modular structures Use of the Bilbao Crystallographic Server in the study of the structure and properties of crystals

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